
Friday, April 01, 2011


Everyone is special..

as i keep drinking my juice..stare me down across d table..while i look outside

So many things I'd say if only I were able but I just keep quiet and count the cars pass by..who cares if you're're not me..hmm... I care but have you ever thougt that they care about what you have inside, No.. Its a humanly that people only care about themselves..but lets see there's a world out there i should see without people care about u or themselves..Laugh as u need to like there's no road..touch d star be in space if u think its worth..u just need to please yourself..coz you're special..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Its been so long...

Re open old archive will makes you smile...what has been written describes what have you create in that moment reflects the perspective of view of that moment. Time goes's bring you some lesson to learn.. broaden your point of you value of yourself. People change..circumstance has a big role in it. When you turn yourself into the zero will takes you to a journey that bring you to be you in the present.How many hours,days, years you spent to do this to do that, being this being that, hit by this hit by that, falling,crying,laughing, crawling, raising..then stand up as well as you're expecting to be. Even till now I still cant solve how to face classical problem i have. ..Yeap I've been here i've been there. I have this I have that. I can be this. I can be that,Trying this trying that ehmm..Its not that I can not be thanking for everything I have and its not the problem that I cannot adapting with the new situation.I'm kind of adaptive person , struggle enough to face what may come eventhough I hace to be complain for the situation at first but it can be tollerance in the end. It seem that I cannot stand for the classical repeated problem occur. Oh God please give me extra strength and patient..I know I cannot demand on what You Will...I just do what I can do. Please show me the way to cover my feeling inside so that in the end I understand that this is not the end of every problem I have.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Sometimes I feel so tempered, hectic, stressful and so dead tired after working in a week and having so many problems. Sleep as long as I want then wake up late, it was my Saturday morning routine to release my hectic week. But unfortunately it only stands for a while….Sometimes I go to a Beauty center for having massage treatment such as relaxing spa, it did work …but only for its moment. Now it’s been two week I join in Yoga Class in Tebet, it was so relaxing and enjoyable. As my Yoga instructor said, Mas Redha Hajir told the class that Yoga could raise your Positive Energy in Your Life. It takes your patient to do some Yoga Position. Yoga is good for your body and soul, especially if you live in a big city where there’s so many activity take your time and stress you. In Yoga you could control yourself; you’ll get your self esteem.
As I learned in Yoga’s Class, A Tree Pose, Cobra Snake Pose, Child Pose and Salfa sa Pose are my favorite position, you know why? In Tree Position, it helps me to have a balance; In Cobra Snake Position could give you self awareness and so gives you strength and dignity.Image hosted by
In Child Position gives us calm relax and intend to have attention to yourself.
Image hosted by
After doing several position, then my instructor always gives us instruction to have relaxation position like meditation and look alike sleeping position with your both palm open and eyes closed. So anybody come and join in yoga, I guarantee your body and your soul gain a great nutrition.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Hubbeeku punya dua istri. Sebagai istri pertama, aku harus rela kalo hubbeeku perhatiannya lagi sama istri keduanya.Yah gak pa pa lah lagian istri keduanya itu lebih tua dari aku koq. Lahirnya aja tahun ’74 gitu deh , and namanya Bluebread. Maklumlah Hubbeku kan udah kenal duluan sama Bluebread sejak tahun ’99 dan kenal sama aku kan baru dari tahun 2001, so ya aku rela kok ngalah sama Bluebread. Lagipula Bluebread itu yang udah support hubungan kita lho sejak awal – awal pertemuan kita. Bluebread itu kuat lho selalu dampingin hubbeeku kemana-mana sampe ke luar kota pun tetep ok, walaupun kadang kalo lagi manja ,bisa seharian tuh hubbeku ngurusin and nemenin si Bluebread. Image hosted by Hubbee emang suka banget sama Bluebread, pokoknya demi bluebread dia bakal bela-belain deh. Bluebread itu temennya banyak and biasanya bluebread suka ketemuan sama komunitasnya di VVC ( Volkswagen Van Club ) di daerah pancoran. Blubread tergabung di komunitasnya itu sejak tahun 2001 and Blubread udah jadi anggota yang ke 464 lho, that’s why sekarang temen - temen bluebread banyak. Tapi hubbeeku and temen - temen nya lagi sedih nih soalnya mo ada larangan pemerintah mengenai penggunaan mobil - mobil tua, hiksss…. Image hosted by Gimana ya…wah klo Blue bread diganti sama yang baru aku gak tega juga , trus nanti Hubbee gimana dunk salah satu dari belahan jiwanya gak ada. Padahal kita berdua udah menganggap Bluebread itu part of our family lho.Image hosted by

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mau dikasih Judul "Cinta"


Input seseorang pasti berbeda-beda, begitu juga outputnya.ada dari golongan ningrat sampai yg melarat.Yg dididik dr KBB (kluarga baek-baek)"Biasanya" outputnya baek jg(perhatikan tanda kutipnya)dan berlaku Vise versa.Buah jatoh ga jauh dari pohonnya kan(ini msh berlaku ga sih??) kalo buahnya jatohnya dari swalayan ato pasar tradisionil gmn hayo?Karna dr pengalamanku bertemen ada jg yg ky gini...hehehe
Cinta dan kaitannya dgn senjata:

-Bila kita melemparnya, pasti kita akan mendapatkannya kembali, tp jgn lempar kejauhan ntar lama dapetnya :p

-Cinta itu jalannya berliku-liku,tapi akhirnya akan sampe satu tujuannya kok(ga ada keris yg ujungnya bercabang kan:D)

-Jalannya memang panjang,tapi dia "targeted", jadi pasti dapet deh.(btw,senapan kaya' nama daerah rmhku,yg ada plasa senapannnya :))


-Dia tersembunyi, tak terdeteksi, tetapi dia ada(ini namanya secret admire)

Rocket Launcher
-Dia menyerang dari jarak jauh tapi hasilnya mengena(targeted dan personal), menyerang dgn kekuatan penuh tapi dari jarak jauh(butuh modal yg tdk sedikit,sasarannya hati si target akan luluh)

Ini masih susah tuk dimengerti,sampai skrg aku jg masih bingung sama yg satu ini.Apa ada saran dari anda2??btw WEM stands for Weapon Eat Master :D

Tak ada gading yang tak retak
'Mal Kelapa Gading walaupun bagus, temboknya pasti ada yang retak'

Alon-alon asal kelakson
'naik sepeda mini'

Cepat kaki, ringan tangan
'atlet lari maraton'

Tak ada rotan ram pun jabi
'judul sinetron baru di RCTI'

Sambil menyelam buang air
'penyelam yang jorok

'Ma' lu bertanya, Ma' gue yang jawab
'emak lu dan emak gue main kuis

'Wong ompong nyaring bunyinya'artis Leila Sari'


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Sendiri Lagi

Dulu - dulu gak pernah bingung klo tidur sendiri, tapi gara - gara harus ditinggal dinas luar sama suami beberapa malem ini aku jadi restless gitu deh ga bisa tidur. Mana sebelum masuk kamar tontonan tv dirumah tuh yang serem-serem gitu deh.Mulai dari Rahasia Ilahi lah Astaghfirullah dan yg sejenis2 lah. Belum lagi klo lagi tenang2 mo tidur tiba2 ada suara2 gedebag gedebug dari atap yang muncul dari suara2 tikus kejar2an. Padahal untuk mengusir perasaan takutku itu aku bela2in beli dvd banyak2 buat nemenin tidur tapi tetep aja bentar-bentar pengennya telp or sms suami terus, tapi suamiku jarang2 mau bales karena lumayan kan roaming internasional gitu lhoh. Hari kalo ditunggu tunggu tuh rasanya jadi lama banget ya...uhhh sebel deh...
Yah mungkin ada hikmahnya juga kali ya... karena aku tuh orangnya penakut banget , selama sendirian aku jadi rajin ibadah deh..Alhamdulillah , emang Allah tuh selalu memberikan jalan terbaik apa aja untuk mengasihi hambanya.

Thursday, June 30, 2005


Watching you sleep,
peace has found instinctively..
it's a journey ...
breezing me halfway...
caress pair of my rib...
never elapse whispering
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight...
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need
I love thee freely as man strive for right
I love thee purely as the turn from praise..

To my loveable hubbee...